Meet The Peek-a-Bows!
The Peek-a-Bows are three colorful sisters, ʻAlani, Lena, and Poni. Theyʻre from Ke Ānuenue (the rainbow), and they slide down the rainbow to explore and go on adventures with their friends around Hawaiʻi.
Sing, laugh, and learn with The Peek-a-Bows!
ʻAlani represents the red and orange colors of the rainbow. She is the eldest of the three Peek-a-Bow sisters. She is filled with energy, always wanting to tackle any situation. ʻAlani has a fiery exterior along with a passionate and sincere love for the people of Hawaiʻi.
🧡ʻAlani means the color “orange” in ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi, the Hawaiian language.
Lena is the middle sister of The Peek-a-Bows. She represents the yellow and green colors of the rainbow. Lena looks up to her older sister ʻAlani very much. She is inquisitive and easily excited. She always finds a way to turn lemons into lemon pops and loves to giggle and be happy.
💛Lena means “yellow” in Hawaiian.
Poni represents the blue and purple colors of the rainbow. She is an intense analyzer but also a lovable empathizer. She is very studious, observant, and enjoys seeking out the facts to help in problem solving. She also loves to wear a flower in her ear.
💜Poni means “purple” in the Hawaiian language.
Meet their friends, too!
Maka is our friend from the ocean. He is a hāʻukeʻukeʻulaʻula, also known as a red pencil urchin. Maka is kolohe, a silly trickster always joking around. Did you know that the spines of a hāʻukeʻukeʻulaʻula was once used as chalk?
Maka means "eye" in ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi.
Welo is our pueo friend, an owl. He is a curious youngster, excited to keep learning new things every day. He is sweet and caring, always showing compassion for anyone, with or without feathers.
Welo means "to flutter" in the Hawaiian language.
Uncle Huli is the mature, wise, and smart Kāhuli Snail. He loves to share his mana’o (thoughts, ideas, knowledge, and opinions). Uncle Huli loves to talk about the good ʻol days in Hawaiʻi. He is known for typically starting sentences with “You know, back in my day we used to….”
Huli means "to turn, reverse" in Hawaiian.